Surfer is a Simple static file server. It comes with a commandline tool to upload files from your local folders.
or using the Cloudron command line tooling
cloudron install --appstore-id io.cloudron.surfer
The app package can be built using the Cloudron command line tooling.
cd surfer
cloudron build
cloudron install
How to upload
You can upload files using the commandline tool.
First, install the surfer cli tool using npm.
sudo npm -g install cloudron-surfer
Login using your Cloudron credentials:
surfer login <this app's url>
Put some files:
surfer put [file]
The e2e tests are located in the test/
folder and require nodejs. They are creating a fresh build, install the app on your Cloudron, perform tests, backup, restore and test if the files are still ok.
cd surfer
npm install
USERNAME=<cloudron username> PASSWORD=<cloudron password> mocha --bail test/test.js