Commit 511ce661 by Girish Ramakrishnan

add surfer put examples and fix put

1 parent 38932f15
Showing with 51 additions and 27 deletions
......@@ -128,32 +128,27 @@ function logout() {
function put(filePath, otherFilePaths, options) {
var destination = '';
// take the last argument as destination
if (otherFilePaths.length > 0) {
destination = otherFilePaths.pop();
if (otherFilePaths.length > 0 && destination[destination.length-1] !== '/') destination += '/';
function putOne(filePath, destination, options, callback) {
const absoluteFilePath = path.resolve(filePath);
const stat = safe.fs.statSync(absoluteFilePath);
if (!stat) return callback(`Could not stat ${filePath}: ${safe.error.message}`);
let files, base;
if (stat.isFile()) {
base = destination + path.basename(filePath);
files = [ absoluteFilePath ];
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
base = destination + (filePath.endsWith('.') ? '' : path.basename(filePath) + '/');
files = collectFiles([ absoluteFilePath ], options);
} else {
return callback(); // ignore
var files = collectFiles([ filePath ].concat(otherFilePaths), options);
async.eachSeries(files, function (file, callback) {
var relativeFilePath;
if (path.isAbsolute(file)) {
relativeFilePath = path.basename(file);
} else if (path.resolve(file).indexOf(process.cwd()) === 0) { // relative to current dir
relativeFilePath = path.resolve(file).slice(process.cwd().length + 1);
} else { // relative but somewhere else
relativeFilePath = path.basename(file);
var destinationPath = (destination ? '/' + destination : '') + '/' + relativeFilePath;
console.log('Uploading file %s -> %s', relativeFilePath.cyan, destinationPath.cyan);
let relativeFilePath = file.slice(absoluteFilePath.length + 1); // will be '' when filePath is a file
let destinationPath = base + relativeFilePath;
console.log('Uploading file %s -> %s', file.cyan, destinationPath.cyan); + API + destinationPath).query(gQuery).attach('file', file).end(function (error, result) {
if (result && result.statusCode === 403) return callback(new Error('Upload destination ' + destinationPath + ' not allowed'));
......@@ -164,7 +159,25 @@ function put(filePath, otherFilePaths, options) {
}, function (error) {
}, callback);
function put(filePaths, options) {
if (filePaths.length < 2) {
console.log('target directory is required.'.red);
let destination = filePaths.pop();
if (!path.isAbsolute(destination)) {
console.log('target directory must be absolute'.red);
if (!destination.endsWith('/')) destination += '/';
async.eachSeries(filePaths, (filePath, iteratorDone) => putOne(filePath, destination, options, iteratorDone), function (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('Failed to put file.',;
......@@ -21,10 +21,21 @@ program.command('logout')
.description('Logout from server')
program.command('put <file|dir> [files...]')
program.command('put <file|dir...>')
.option('-a --all', 'Also include hidden files and folders.', false)
.description('Put a file, last argument is destination if provided')
.description('Puts a list of files or dirs to the destination. The last argument is destination dir')
.on('--help', function() {
console.log(' Examples:');
console.log(' $ surfer put file.txt / # puts to /file.txt');
console.log(' $ surfer put file.txt /data # puts to /data/file.txt');
console.log(' $ surfer put dir /data # puts dir/* as /data/dir/*');
console.log(' $ surfer put dir/. / # puts dir/* as /app/data/*');
console.log(' $ surfer put dir1 dir2 file1 / # puts as /dir1/* /dir2/* and /file');
program.command('get [file|dir]')
.description('Get a file or directory listing')
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